More efficient work and increased safety with KIDOU  


Inspection engineers often face challenges in their work that affect their efficiency and safety. Safety risks are particularly high during inspections and maintenance work on bridges with traffic and at higher levels. At the same time, time-consuming and error-prone logging processes require repeated work interruptions, which further impairs productivity.  

Our voice recognition software KIDOU offers the perfect solution here: it enables effortless logging by voice input, without any interruptions or the use of hands. This significantly reduces the safety risk, as test engineers can concentrate fully on their actual work without being distracted by manual documentation tasks.  

In cooperation with the Landesbetrieb Mobilität Rheinland-Pfalz (LBM), we subjected KIDOU to a practical test in Koblenz. In a video on our YouTube channel, we show how our voice-controlled inspection assistant accurately understands what is being said under demanding conditions – such as high noise levels and changing environments. These results confirm that KIDOU works reliably even in challenging deployment scenarios.  

Thanks to its intuitive operation, KIDOU maximizes flexibility and efficiency during inspections and maintenance. At the same time, the software increases productivity, saves time and offers flexible implementation options. The improved data management helps to ensure that inspection processes are not only faster, but also safer and more precise.  

Watch the video about our practical test: 


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Samira Bauck, Praktikantin Marketing

KIDOU Sprach Tools