Stuttgart Innovation Days 2024: A look back at an inspiring event


This year’s Stuttgart Innovation Days were a complete success and a real highlight for anyone interested in innovation, future technologies and creative solutions. The event brought together people from various industries, research institutions and start-ups to discuss the latest trends and developments in the fields of digitalization, sustainable technologies and innovation.


Stuttgart Innovation Days 2024: A look back at an inspiring event

A key topic at this year’s Innovation Days was software-defined manufacturing (SDM), which was explored in detail in many presentations and discussions. SDM stands for the increasing digitalization and flexibilization of production processes through the use of intelligent software solutions. Experts from industry and science emphasized how this development makes production more efficient, more sustainable and, above all, more adaptable.

The event was therefore not only a place for learning, but also for networking and exchanging ideas.


Tour of the ISW machine hall: news at first hand

A special highlight of the Stuttgart Innovation Days was the exclusive tour of the ISW machine hall (Institute for control Engineering of Maschine Tools and Manufacturing Units at the University of Stuttgart). The ISW team took us on an impressive tour of their state-of-the-art machine hall and presented current projects and research results in the field of digital manufacturing.

During the tour, participants were given detailed insights into the latest innovations in software-defined manufacturing and other technologies that will shape the future of production. The demonstrations on the use of AI-controlled control systems that can optimize and adapt production processes in real time were particularly exciting.

The ISW informed us about current collaborations with industrial partners and showed us how practical research and development is carried out there. The tour offered a rare opportunity to interact directly with leading scientists and engineers and to experience the future of manufacturing technologies at first hand.

This kind of practical insight is what makes the Stuttgart Innovation Days so valuable – it’s not just about theoretical lectures, but also about discovering the real-life applications of technologies and better understanding their potential.


Results of the SDM4FZI research project: focus on demonstrators

In addition to the fascinating insights into the ISW machine hall, the results of the SDM4FZI esearch project (software-defined manufacturing for the automotive and supplier industry) were also presented in detail. Various demonstrators were used to illustrate how the latest software solutions and digital technologies are implemented in practice. These demonstrators impressively showed how software-defined manufacturing helps to make production processes more flexible and efficient.

The project’s partners were on site and were available to answer participants’ questions and offer suggestions. This interactivity enabled visitors to gain deeper insights into the specific applications and challenges of the project and to exchange ideas directly with the experts.


A big thank you to the organizing team and everyone involved

Such a successful event would have been unthinkable without the energetic support of the organization team. Their commitment and professionalism ensured that the Stuttgart Innovation Days ran smoothly and were an inspiring experience for all participants.

An equally big thank you goes to all participants and speakers. Without the diverse ideas and contributions, this event would not have been the same. You made it a place of exchange, inspiration and innovation. Your knowledge and experience enriched the event and motivated us all to actively shape the future.


Outlook: The future of innovation in Stuttgart

The Stuttgart Innovation Days have impressively demonstrated how much potential there is in the region. With a focus on future technologies, sustainability and creativity, a framework was created that makes it possible to turn visions into reality.


The “SDM4FZI” research project is funded as part of the “Future Investments in the Automotive Industry” funding program of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK). 


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