AI made in Karlsruhe

We, Experts for digital speech systems and Artificial Intelligence (AI), develop custom-fit voice assistants for companies based on our self-developed speech kit KIDOU. Our mission is to enable employees to work more comfortably and more easily.

As a partner at the Motor of Digitization on July 01, 2022, we are personally available for a consultation and look forward to your visit at our booth at ZKM, Brauerstr. 40 in Karlsruhe. Our Experts will give you an insight into the voice-controlled future and show you the latest innovations around voice assistants.


Want to learn more?

At 3:25 p.m. – 3:40 p.m., we will give a presentation on the topic “Voice-controlled into the future with KIDOU” in the lecture hall at the ZKM. There you can also ask your questions, which we will answer personally.

Click here for our program.


With the webapp of you have all program points at a glance, watch the lectures of other partners and move freely with the KVV through the city of Karlsruhe.

More about the event at


Schedule of the event:

2 p.m. official opening in the town hall at the Market Place

15.00 – 21.00 hrs Program of the partners at different locations

From 22.00 hrs Afterparty at the ZKM with DJ MODISCH


The complete program and the afterparty are free of charge for you.


“Let the future begin”







Fara Sendjaja, Marketing Manager
KIDOU Sprach Tools