Frequently asked questions about KENBUN

What does KENBUN stand for?

“KENBUN” is Japanese. The word is composed of the two signs for “seeing” and “listening”. In combination, “KENBUN” means knowledge and insight, reflecting our passion for smart solutions and artificial intelligence. Our name also illustrates the values we cultivate in our dealings with our customers.

>> Learn more About us

How do I apply for a job?

You can apply by email or conveniently online. Simply send us your cover letter with salary requirements and start date as well as your resume in PDF format.

We look forward to receiving your application.

On our career page you will find all important information about the application process and further job offers.

>> Apply now!

What expertise can KENBUN provide?

We are an agile and growing startup team (est. 2018) focused on developing and researching the latest voice technologies. As Experts in digital voice systems, Big Data, real-time decision systems and Artificial Intelligence, we collectively bring a weight of well over 100 years of IT project experience.

Of particular note is our major industry partner DEKRA. The DEKRA app has been equipped with our AI speech components. The inspection assistant is used during the main inspection. The employee documents his results by voice and this offers the employee more comfortable work and speeds up his work processes. Interruptions due to manual work steps are reduced.

In the medical environment our Health Assistant is used. Both in the field of intensive care medicine and nursing, it facilitates the work of intensive care physicians/medical staff as well as nursing staff. Even the veterinarian can enter the data of his patients as well as the treatments and medication in his practice management software.

What AI technologies does KENBUN use?
  • Deep Learning
  • Genetic Algorithmus
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Anomaly Detection
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Speech Analysis & Synthesis
  • Predictive Modelling
What does KENBUN specialize in?

Our core competencies can be combined under the following aspects:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Speech assistants/digital voice assistance systems in the B2B sector
  • Machine Learning
  • Data science
  • Architecture consulting
  • Big Data Platform
  • Voice Technology
  • Holistic AI development and consulting: from the idea to the start of operations

We will be happy to advise you in a free initial consultation.

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Frequently asked questions about KIDOU

What is KIDOU?

KIDOU is an AI voice toolbox developed by us, which contains many AI components for speech and text processing. The different components overcome challenges such as precise speech recognition for regional dialects as well as noise and background sounds, understand and process special technical terms and can handle long columns of numbers.

Our systems are scalable, adaptable and adaptive, which is why our voice assistants are used in various sectors and areas, such as in industry, in the medical environment, in sales or in technical tests and inspections.

>> Learn more about KIDOU!

What are the advantages of KIDOU's voice assistants?

Voice assistants are now being used more and more in the private sphere. In today’s world, they are an innovative and time-saving feature that is hard to imagine life without.

However, the use of AI-based voice assistance also offers enormous potential in the industrial environment, in the medical sector, in sales, in the context of technical tests and inspections, and in management.

For example, our inspection assistant is now being used at DEKRA for general vehicle inspections. Test engineers now document the defects on the vehicle by voice, which considerably simplifies and accelerates the work process.

With KIDOU, work processes in the company can be simplified and accelerated.


What AI technologies does KENBUN use for its speech systems?

KENBUN uses application-dependent state-of-the-art AI methods from the areas of classical AI methods such as classification, clustering, regression, genetic algorithms, dimension reduction, as well as deep learning methods such as transformers, CNN, autoencoders, diffusion models.

KENBUN applies the methods in the following areas:

  • Anomaly detection
  • Word processing
  • Speech recognition
  • Speech synthesis
  • Intent recognition
  • Sentiment analysis

>> Learn more about KIDOU


There are already so many voice assistants! What sets you apart from the others?

Conventional voice assistants already handle many tasks in the private sphere. But when it comes to special technical terms or dialects, when there is a lot of noise in the background, many voice assistants fail.

Exactly these challenges have motivated us to focus on voice assistants for the B2B sector. With our speech toolkit KIDOU, we empower assistants to overcome the above challenges.

Other aspects that need to be solved are data protection requirements and the ability to operate offline.

For companies with high data protection requirements, the system can be operated in the in-house server, on-premise. As other solutions, we also offer Cloud, On-Edge and Hybrid. In addition, we can also offer the solution offline. This is always interesting and indispensable when no network connection is guaranteed in an application scenario.

>> KIDOU voice assistant

For which industries and for which use cases are KIDOU voice assistants suitable?

Our modular system KIDOU is suitable for all medium-sized and large companies. Especially in industry, sales, management and also in the medical sector, our voice assistance systems are convincing.

Especially in situations where both hands are needed, such as a doctor examining a patient, a test engineer inspecting vehicles or equipment for defects, or a sales representative who wants to make good use of the ride in the car after visiting a customer, the voice assistant simplifies and accelerates work processes.

In the following video, our sales manager tells us who we are and where our voice assistants add value in the B2B sector. Thanks for watching.

Do I need specific devices to use the KIDOU voice assistant?

No. Our systems can be used on any device, whether laptop, phone, smartphone or tablet.

All you need to use the KIDOU voice assistant is a device with a microphone.

You are also free to choose your operating system: our systems can be used on iOS, Android or Windows.

Why only for companies and not for the end consumer?

Many people already use voice assistance systems in their private lives. We want to promote speech for control and input in B2B because we are convinced that there are numerous situations in which the use of voice assistants can significantly facilitate, accelerate and improve work processes. In many activities, it is a great advantage to have both hands free for the task without having to operate a computer keyboard. These are the use cases we focus on.

Here are some possibilities how our systems can be used in practice.

>> Use Cases

A lot of noise in the industry! Does the assistant understand me despite the noise?

We equip the AI speech models with certain AI components so that the assistant ensures accurate speech recognition despite noise and background sounds.

>> Learn more about KIDOU

What languages does the KIDOU voice assistant support?

The KIDOU language assistant already masters the languages German, English and French.

We are currently open to requests from customers and partners who would like to work with us to expand our language coverage to all of Europe.

>> Contact us now!

What if I don't have internet or am in a dead zone?

Our assistants can also be used advantageously offline. Depending on requirements, a special focus can be placed on comprehensive offline use.

>> Book your free consultation now

What data protection and data security does KIDOU enable?

You can achieve the highest level of data protection and data security with an on-edge or on-prem deployment of KIDOU, i.e. for companies with high data protection requirements, the system can be operated in the in-house server – so the particularly sensitive data never leaves the customer’s systems. In addition, no user data is stored.

For cloud deployments, we rely on German cloud providers or operate KIDOU on our own hardware.

We will be happy to advise you on which solution suits you best.

>> Book your free consultation now!

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