AI in local transport – a vision of the future

by | 3. Jun. 2019 | artificial intelligence | 0 comments

What will the commuting of the future look like? We imagine it like this:

In the morning we stand at the bus stop with our coffee and our briefcase. – A train arrives punctually: Autonomous, electrically powered, emission-free. A contact wire no longer exists.

Arrived, we pass the working escalator and arrive at work without delay.

For years we have been enjoying public transport again. We have discovered them as an environmentally friendly alternative for us. Why? Because artificial intelligence analyses and evaluates the weather conditions and the condition of vehicles and escalators. Our trains, buses and trams arrive on time, breakdowns have become a rarity.

There have also been improvements for people with disabilities: haptic sensors draw attention to vacant seats and announcements can be viewed in sign language on smartphones in real time.

Artificial intelligence has already arrived in public transport. The intelligent concepts ensure greater environmental protection and accessibility.


Ramona Knoll, Marketingmanagerin

Haid-und-Neu-Straße 7
76131 Karlsruhe
+49 721 781 503 02

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